Monday MaDNeSs – I am Blessed ~ Every Day in So Many Ways

Count Your Blessings

I recently read an account of a man who shared a conversation that he had with a friend. I hope you are touched by it and it helps you think of all of your blessings! It went something like this:

“I recently talked with a friend of mine. He told me despite taking 2 jobs, he brings home barely above $1,000 per month, and he is happy as he is. I wondered how he can be as happy as he is  – considering he has to skimp in his life with the low pay to support a pair of elderly parents, in-laws, a wife, 2 daughters and the many bills of a common household. My friend explained that it was because of one particular incident that he saw when he was visiting in India…(that happened a few years ago when he was really feeling low and touring India after a major setback). He said that right in front of his very own eyes, he saw an Indian mother chop off her child’s right hand with a butcher’s knife. The helplessness in the mother’s eyes, the scream of pain from the Continue reading